
Present Participle zur Verkürzung von Relativsätzen

Present participles used to shorten relative clauses.

Englisch Übung: Present Participle zur Verkürzung von Relativsätzen.
Setze das richtige Verb als Present Participle ein. Schreibe den zweiten Satz als ein Relativsatz. Denke an die richtige Zeit.

The boys playing football on the playing fields over there are being extremely noisy. ==> Present Participle (Das Partizip) anstatt eines Relativsatzes
The boys who are playing football on the playing fields over there are being extremely noisy. ==> Relativsatz
All the pupils playing tennis for this school have to wear a sport uniform.==> Present Participle (Das Partizip) anstatt eines Relativsatzes
All the pupils who play tennis for this school have to wear a sport uniform.==> Relativsatz


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